Monday, September 28, 2009

18 Days

Day 18:

Dropped all 5 of my college classes.

Discovered that I'm weak, (again).

Realized that I'm doing better than I thought I was.

Realized it's only because of Jesus.

It's our confession, Lord, that we are weak, so very weak, and you are strong...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tia,

    Thank you for the wonderful news about JD and Sarah. (FYI, I have a theatre background - hooray for JD!). I just returned from a one-week retreat at Holy Cross Monastery (Episcopal Benedictine, the Order I'm an associate of) and my dear friend Br. Bernard suggested that I treat myself carefully - told him about Ryan and about a dear friend, Russ who just died after a long series of illnesses. Went to visit two other hospice patients today at SH&R, and something was missings - and that was going to see Ryan and having him take my hand and "springing" him from the ward and going for a walk and stopping to look at TV or visit with another resident or nurse. As I said at the memorial service, I've failed Hospice 101: I cared for Ryan and I miss him. So know that you and the kids are held in prayer every day, by name, and that I am grateful for Ryan and for you and the kids. Give my best to them all. Here's my email: Would love to hear from you and any of the kids who would like to write. I hope that, before the holidays, I get to take you and the kids for lunch, perhaps up at the pier in Punta Gorda. In the meantime, let us all walk in the love of God, who never drops us.

